Drink to your stealth with the over-engineered Flask. Sneak in a sip of the good stuff with this ready-to-go flask. Made for pulls and pocket-sized adventures, it's portable, tough, and most importantly stealthy. Whether the bass don't bite, or the good times are starting to flow, reach for a nip from the flask.
- 7oz capacity Flask and included Funnel
- Single-Wall 18/8 Stainless Steel
- Leakproof
- Funnel it in: Avoid a mess and easily fill it with your liquid of choice.
- Dishwasher safe: Because no one needs more work to do.
- 18/8 Stainless Steel: Made with kitchen-grade stainless steel so it's puncture and rust-resistant.
- DuraCoatā¢: DuraCoatā¢ Colors don't peel or crack.
- Dimensions: 3.4" W x 5.3" H
- Weight: 0.40 lbs